Black Friday Deals from Startups

Plus, get Locker to manage online shopping

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The Pitch Black Friday Edition

Love supporting startups? Shop these Black Friday sales from startups that have appeared on The Pitch Show. (Purses, shower curtains, suits, coffee, bras, and food!)

Save all your ideas and gift lists with the Locker app & Chrome extension. (Linked to my Locker. Send me more ideas for Josh!! ðŸ˜…)

To learn more about Locker, listen to Kristine’s pitch The Future of Online Shopping.

Black Friday Deals

Outlines Shower Liner System $36 (Originally $55) Episode #123 A Venture-backed Shower Curtain?

Teffola Bundle of Bites & Granola $36 Episode #105 Granola Guy Approved

Sene Studio Up to $1,000 off suits + Sale on custom jeans. Episode #86 If the Suit Fits, Invest


Invest in startups like these through The Pitch Fund or join us for The Pitch Miami to invest directly. You get access to 18 vetted startups, a day in the studio with investors from the show, and dinner out with everyone.

Did you miss this episode?

Nicole Toole pitched her app Ecgo that uses AI for recycling. Listen to ep. 124 Ecgo: Turning Trash Into Treasure with AI or watch her pitch on YouTube.

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