Return of The Pitch

Hey, remember us?

We know. It’s been a while, and this might be a bit awkward. Like when you’re out and you run into someone who knows you, but you can’t quite place them. Maybe it’s because you haven’t heard from us in 18 months. 😬 We get it, and we’re sorry. Let’s just start fresh…

Hey there! We are The Pitch. The podcast where real entrepreneurs pitch to real investors - for real money. And after 18 months of silence, we return with exciting news!

You can listen to the official announcement at - our new and improved website - or wherever you get your podcasts.

We are, also, collecting founder applications as of today. So tell us what you want to hear, and we will bring those pitches to your ears!

For more great content follow us on Instagram & Twitter.

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or to participate.